B.O.U.N.C.E: Be Outstanding Understand Nothing Comes Easy
Have you ever failed? Have you lost something or someone that meant a lot to you? Been rejected, embarrassed, or fired? What if it was all a part of your purpose or your path? BOUNCE is like having your own exclusive Life and Wellness Coach to give you a well researched and proven “how-to” session on recovering from some of life’s curve balls.
Rod smoothly guides you through creating your ultimate plan of protecting your true health by improving your knowledge and understanding of total wellness. BOUNCE reminds us that life is fleeting, unpredictable and consequently so precious. Inevitably, poor health, health care costs, financial difficulty, and the stains of certain “isms” affect every home, neighborhood, and community in different ways.
Will you spend the rest of your life with the same struggles, seemingly stuck and searching for answers? Feel like a ‘health and wellness’ insider as this dedicated, passionate architect gives you the blueprint for finally overcoming your biggest setbacks and failures and having a plan for your mind, body, and spirit’s sake.