Healthy Holiday Challenge 2014


As employees, entrepreneurs and heads of house, many things challenge our efforts to stay on top of our health, but even more so during this very busy time of the year . Over the next 6 weeks many will be celebrating holidays by consuming sugary, greasy, and/or high calorie foods and drinks and getting less rest while still trying to be successful and take care of ourselves. Almost like clock work, many will be content with waiting to start the obligatory health-related New Year’s resolutions that look eerily similar to past years. With that in mind, we are offering a six week program set to begin on Monday, November 24th through Monday, January 5th.

Stress and poor weight management can be devastating to both our business and personal lives with the  impact affecting us more than just physically. How has your health affected your business’ bottom line (making money)? Has it helped you make money or has it constantly taken money out in the form of lost productivity, doctor’s visits, and paying for toxic inflammation causing medications? Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is rapidly approaching.  Imagine gaining 10 pounds from now to New Year’s day awaiting a resolution that lasts all of two weeks and practically  spend all of next year losing the same 10 pounds. Not you, not this year.

From an initial assessment and consultation to comprehensive goal setting and nutrition education, this six week program includes a kitchen makeover questionnaire to help identify foods that may be sabotaging your health and success. With literal around-the-clock access to Rod and his decade and a half of experience and education in the health and wellness industry you will be able to avoid some of the inevitable threats and challenges. Resolve not to wait until New Year’s and sign up today by simply responding to this email. Respond by Saturday, November 22nd to receive a discounted rate on this limited offer.

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