Rod is an AWESOME trainer
Posted by
videoman on Apr 11th, 2013 in |
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After getting up to 248 lbs. and wearing a size 22-24, I didn’t think I would ever be able to lose weight or get into a comfortable size again. I worked out occasionally but didn’t really have a lot of time to devote to a serious fitness program or cooking healthy meals because of work and my children’s after school activities. About the time I really decided to do something about my appearance, I contacted Rod and after speaking with him he customized a program that enabled me to lose the weight I wanted and needed to and quickly. He designed a workout specifically for me that not only focused on my “problem areas” but got my WHOLE body balanced and toned. I really learned about working out safely. Rod made sure I knew EXACTLY how the exercise is done properly so I could get it right and get the maximum benefit from each rep. And after only 4 months, the changes in my physical appearance are really impressive and my confidence has been boosted enormously. I am now in a size 8 and 60 lbs lighter!!!
Rod is an AWESOME trainer and coach and I recommend him to everyone who is serious about reaching your fitness goals.