I am 72 years old and still go to the gym daily

“When I first met Rod in December of 2003 I weighed in at 244 pounds. At 5′ 11″ was I ever fat! Rod started me out slowly and encouraged me to change my lifestyle and eating habits. He worked with me as my personal trainer for more than a year and my weight began to drop. Thanks to his guidance and counseling I continued to eat right and exercise as much as possible so that last year I achieved my goal of 182 pounds. A weight loss of more than 60 pounds! My health has improved dramatically ( I no longer take blood pressure medicine) and I no longer dread my annual visit to the doctor.
All of this because Rod was thorough enough in my training so that I kept on doing what he taught me.
I will always be thankful to Rod for, as my doctor says, adding years to my life as a result of his training.

P.S. I am 72 years old and still go to the gym daily when I am not on the road doing consulting work.” July 24, 2009

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