The Power of ‘I CAN’
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Rod Sims on Jan 9th, 2015 in
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The Art of I Can
How Thinking and Speaking Positively Improves Your Health and Spirit
Thinking and speaking positively will help you improve physically and emotionally. Affirmations or positive speech is a powerful tool for changing your life in a positive way today and forever. Successful people, whether they are performers, athletes, leaders and even parents, share one trait in common: mentally they prepare for any challenges they may face every day. For these people, an obstacle (like “no” or “can’t”) is nothing more than the new something you have to overcome successfully.
If you want to be healthy, and I think we all do, you first have to imagine and see yourself in a healthy state. “Fake it til’ you make it.” The speech you use and words you use to describe yourself, must be positive and upbeat. For years now, sports psychologists and coaches have been using positive affirmations to challenge their teams and prepare athletes for victory regardless of the opponent. In a journey toward wellness, you can adopt the same techniques to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.
Positive Speech as an Art Form
Affirmations are simple statements we use that create health and comfort for ourselves. We have to realize that we literally create the world around us. If we speak and think positively, we create positive situations. Here are a few things you should know about affirmations.
- These affirmations must be positive. Dump statements like “can’t” or “don’t”. True enough, maybe you haven’t yet but try saying “I can”, “I will” or “I deserve.”
- Have a plan. When you start, you should sit down and figure out what areas in your life you want to improve and then create a list of positive affirmations you can repeat every day.
- Think KISS. Avoid lengthy statements. Keep It Short and Sweet. Get to the point.
- Truly believe. None of this will do you a bit of good if you don’t believe in what you are saying.
Being positive works to improve every aspect of your life. This is especially beneficial for promoting health and wellness. Here are some examples of positive affirmations you can use to improve your health and well-being:
- I can maintain my ideal body weight successfully.
- I am beautiful(handsome).
- I deserve to be healthy and disease free.
- I am energetic. I deserve to be filled with energy.
- I am able to sleep well and wake up feeling rested.
- I am in control of my health.
- I have the power to defeat disease and illness.
- I love and respect my body.
- I feel at peace with my body.
- I respect my body for what it is.
- I am ready!
Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is just as important as positive speech. Studies have constantly shown the link between positive thinking and disease. Negative thoughts have just as muchpower as positive ones. Slowly they chip away at you, leaving you with poor self-esteem, depression and even more junk. No matter who you are, where you are from, what you do or what your background, you have to remember that you are a supreme human being! We have been created that way. You deserve the best. The best way to start feeling better is to start thinking positively NOW.
How do you do that? Simply remind yourself internally every day that you are a great person. Feel like you are coming down with a cold? No problem. Visualize yourself overcoming your illness. You have to start believing you can feel better to actually start feeling better. Patients who are optimistic almost always report a better quality of life than those who have a negative attitude, despite their predicted health outcomes.
Optimism is not just a matter of feeling. It is a sufficient resource for overcoming illness, pain, injury, anxiety and depression. It can improve your treatment outcomes and help you overcome many complications. Our bodies are physiologically tied to our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. For us to be truly healthy, we have to recognize the connection that exists between our mind, body and spirit.
Try these steps to create a positive mental outlook:
- Realize that your mental expectations of your outcomes can influence your actual health outcome. For example, if you have a medical condition and expect treatment to fail, more than likely it will fail rather than if you viewed it in a positive light. Consider the placebo effect: countless studies have shown repeatedly that patients report relief from a placebo drug not even realizing they aren’t getting actual medication. It is simply the belief that something positive will happen from the pill that results in an actual medical change.
- Stay away from negative thinking. If you find your thoughts turning negative, repeat some of those positive affirmations.
- Mentally picture your body healthy and well. If you want to lose weight, imagine what your body will look like and how much better you will feel when you have met your weight loss goals. Positive imagery can go a long way toward influencing your health outcomes.
We have all heard that we are what we eat but the same is true that we are what we think. Give yourself a chance each and every day! Wake up believing. Start NOW thinking about the positive things you expect from your today. I know that you’ll find your health and well-being rapidly improving from these simple yet effective techniques.
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