Build With Rod

Rod’s experience and passion for health fitness and wellness affords him the unique ability to design a blueprint with your individual needs in mind in an effort to determine the best plan for attack for your body and the life you really want.

*Health & Lifestyle Coaching packages that includes:

      *Customized Comprehensive Wellness solutions for families and individuals

      *Nutrition/Meal Planning & Education that allows you:

– to add truly healthy and delicious go-to food choices to your eating habits,
– to increase your get up and go-get-it energy level,
– to boost your confidence in the kitchen and reduce food stress when you’re on the go,
– to establish balance and internal peace within your body as you learn to listen to hunger cues, and
– to build upon a strong foundation transforming you into your healthiest you! profilepic

      *Customized Exercise Prescription

*Tools for Mental and Emotional Transformation Training

**these programs are available for in-person and telephonic coaching



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